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Are there government incentives or rebates available for solar power installations in Alberta?

 Yes, there are government incentives and rebates available for solar power installations in Alberta. These programs help reduce the overall cost of solar panel installations and make solar power more accessible to Albertans. It’s important to check with local municipalities and energy providers, as specific rebates and incentives may vary. At Solve Energy, our team can guide the entire application process, from start to finish, of any of the following incentives and rebates:

  • Alberta Municipal Solar Program (AMSP) - This program is offered by the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC). Municipalities and Community related organizations are eligible for this solar power rebate.
  • Edmonton Solar Rebate - The City of Edmonton recently announced a rebate for residential solar installations for $0.40/W up to $4,000. This rebate is in addition to the provincially-funded residential and commercial solar program.
  • Banff Solar Incentive - Residents of Banff, AB are eligible for  a solar power incentive.  This program will allow selected applicants to qualify for a seven year agreement with the town of Banff.    Successful applicants will be selected through a lottery based system.  Read more on the Banff solar power incentive program.
  • Get Energy Solar Club - This membership allows one to have a higher energy rate (approximately $0.25/kWh) during months when solar generation exceeds home consumption. This creates a much higher microgeneration credit. During the winter months, when consumption exceeds solar generations one can change back to the standard rate (approximately $0.07/kWh)

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